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The past several months have been a busy time both here in Portage-Lisgar and in Ottawa. From holding the NDP-Liberal coalition to account on their out-of-control spending, to pushing for a non-confidence vote, our Common Sense Conservative team in Parliament has been working nonstop.

One of the crucial parts of my job is an opportunity to meet with the remarkable individuals, businesses and organizations in our riding. Throughout last couple of months, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting with cultural communities, small business owners, farmers, and my municipal counterparts.

I know many of you are having a hard time making ends meet. There is a cost-of-living crisis and people are struggling. Please know that my team and I will never stop working hard to make your life more affordable.

As soon as the NDP takes away its support from Justin Trudeau, we will have a carbon tax election where Canadians will be able to make decisions for themselves. A Canada where people can earn powerful paycheques that can buy affordable food, gas, and homes in safe neighbourhoods.

Let's stay in touch. Please review the copy of the mailer I recently sent out and take a moment to complete the survey below. Your feedback is paramount and helps me better represent you. (Please learn more about the bills listed in my mailer under the survey.)


Thanks for submitting!

Ottawa Office

Room 811, Justice Building, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

Phone: 613-995-9511



Constituency Office

915 Navigator Road, Unit 2, Winkler, MB R6W 0L7

Phone: 1-866-856-2090, 204-325-1540

Member of Parliament


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